Testimonials for Woolf College Consulting

“Betsy has excellent rapport with students, parents and college administrators. Her essay-editing skills and ability to match kids and colleges are first-rate.”

 Executive Vice Provost, Ivy League medical school

"You always come to mind as a fair, ethical, warm, knowledgeable, and committed professional. 🙂 "

Dean of Admissions, Selective Liberal Arts College 

"We are reaching out to thank you for your valuable help in guiding [our son] to the application process and its successful outcome with his acceptance to Tufts!...we are very grateful for your greatly valued assistance and guidance in this [crazy 😊 ] process; [our son] could not have done it without your help!"

Parents of High School Senior, Tufts University [EDI] Class  of 2028

"I know you have been communicating with [our son], and have heard how thrilled he was to be accepted to CMU drama school. We know how competitive all of these BFA programs are, and we were hoping he would get into one of his early schools, and ultimately be happy at any of the schools on his list. We were so delighted when he called us Saturday morning. His glowing face and shaky voice told us that he made the right choice.We can't thank you enough for guiding him through his college application process. It really took the pressure and worry off of us, and enabled him to proceed with (slow) persistence and determination on schedule through the slog of essays to pursue his dream programs. We are happy to speak to any prospective clients if you need references (though I suspect you are very busy by positive word of mouth), and well prior to this weekend have recommended you to friends and family members."

Parent of High School Senior, Carnegie Mellon University [ED] Class of 2026

“Thank you so much for all the help with my applications! I really appreciate all you’ve done for me – whether the help came in the form of a rapid revision so I could submit an essay to a school later that day, or discussing an essay at length. You made the process much easier than it would have been otherwise, to the point that I genuinely enjoyed writing a great many of the essays. My acceptance…is in no small part due to your help (and the countless revisions of my long-form essay…), and no matter where I end up next fall, I will be happy that, with your help, I was able to make my applications as strong as they possibly could be.”

High School Senior, Columbia University Class of 2019

"I got the news a few hours ago that I was accepted into Vanderbilt, so I want to take this time to thank you for all the advice and recommendations you have given me over the past year. It was definitely a rough past year trying to get strong grades, reach my desired SAT score, and write thought-provoking college essays, but you were a flawless guide who has helped me keep track and not lose focus. I definitely could not have done all this without you, so once again thank you. "

High School Senior, Vanderbilt University [ED1] Class of 2027

"Thanks again for everything. I have really appreciated all of your help in this process, and I am so incredibly happy to have committed to a school that I really feel checks all of my boxes...Your highly personalized approach to guiding students, paired with your passion for what you do, is truly admirable, and I am so grateful for your support throughout.

High School Senior, Colby College Class of 2027

"Hi Betsy! Hope all is well. I’ve been in Syracuse for two weeks now and I’m loving it more than anything in the world. It really feels like the most perfect fit for me. I wanted to thank you once again for helping me to make this dream happen!"

College Freshman, Syracuse University Class of 2025

"An invaluable asset during the application process. We will be forever grateful to Betsy and the dedication she showed to our son and his college search. She is a natural with teenagers; it’s obvious she genuinely enjoys getting to know them and helping them identify and apply to a breadth of colleges that are a good fit. Hers is a highly customized process, and she combines a very structured approach with flexibility (as needed) which can help mitigate the scheduling stresses of seniors’ hectic lives. Betsy’s expansive, personal knowledge of the schools and her familiarity with the intricacies of the application process are an invaluable resource. But the real magic happens with the application essays. This is where she truly helps each student ‘Stand Out to Get In’ by helping them cultivate their distinct voices and reveal their true selves. They own the process. She has students rewrite in their own words until they feel satisfied that their statements are clear and authentic. The result is a memorable, unique, nuanced, multi-dimensional representation of each child, guaranteeing that admissions officers reading the application genuinely know who they are considering. This turned out to be a very successful approach!"

Parent of High School Senior Class of 2023

"We wanted to say a very hearty thank you for helping [our son] (and us) navigate the college process. UChicago is absolutely where he belongs!..We really appreciate your patience + kindness through this ... process. ...and of course, we're happy to spread the word about Woolf Consulting!"

Parents of High School Senior, University of Chicago [EDII] Class  of 2028

"I want to thank you again for your hard work with [my daughter]... when I read the essays critically, I find them easy to read and engaging...I've a friend from law school who works for [a state flagship research university's] Law Admissions Office and she feels the same way.  She said the essays are on par and even better than decent essays she sees from law school applicants."

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2026

"We are overjoyed at [our daughter's] admittance to Cornell Engineering for next year. Thank you so much for all your time and effort in coaching and advising her. You have helped us with both of our daughters, and we are forever grateful."

Parent of High School Senior, Cornell University [ED], College Class of 2026

"I have to thank you. I went back and reread his essays and they really show who he is. You gave him great advice. There's no way he could have done what he did if it weren't for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Parent of High School Senior, Princeton University [Early Action] Class of 2022 

“I apologize for never taking a moment to thank you so much for helping me find a school so well suited to what I wanted. While this year has been tough, I really do love it here. After almost a full year here (my term ends a couple weeks from now), I am confident that the long process we went through led me to the right place for me, and I couldn’t have gotten here without the time, patience, and support you provided – thank you so much for that; I am extremely grateful.”

First Year University Student, University of Cambridge Class of 2018

"Thank you for all the encouragement, guidance, and advice you gave to [our son] and us in this college admissions process. Your expertise is so valued and we knew that we were in good hands. You made the process easier to digest with specific goals and deadlines and answered all our questions as we figured out how this all works. It was also so helpful and amazing how you came to know [our son] and recommended great schools for him to consider. "

Parent of High School Senior, Binghamton University Class of 2027

"You deserve credit for getting me here."

Graduate Student, Harvard Kennedy School Class of 2023


"Polished, professional, and with a surprising depth of knowledge about practically every school we considered. Betsy deftly shepherded us through the process and our son was accepted to his first choice which was actually a school that Betsy brought to our attention. Thoroughly satisfied."

Parent of High School Senior, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) [ED] Class of 2026

"Betsy has a wealth of information about the college process and is wonderful to work with. She shared so much in our first session we were exhausted by the end! She makes a large effort to get to know the student in order to be most effective with her time. We really enjoyed learning from Betsy and look forward to working with her more! "

Parents of High School Sophomore, Class  of 2029

"First, let me (belatedly) thank you for the great work you did with [my son] on his first four applications.  Now that the dust has settled a little, I want you to know that we think you helped him tremendously.  I know we cannot count on acceptance at any of our schools, but I think he and you have done everything possible for a good outcome...Really do appreciate all of your brainstorming, advice, editing, and organization."

 Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2024

"It has been a great few months working with you on my college essays, and I don't think I could have written them by myself. For all of your help, I thank you a thousand times. Today I received an email from the office of undergraduate admissions at RIT, stating that I had an update on my application status. When I checked the update, I saw that I had been admitted to the engineering school. Thank you so much again for all of your help. "

High School Senior, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) [ED1] Class  of 2027

"I got your message last night. I was too busy lying on the floor in shock that [my son] got into Vanderbilt. I’m like so thrilled. We're all so thrilled. Thank you so much for all of your help...You really helped him so much, and we really appreciate it. We couldn’t be happier. All of [our town] is calling us because nobody from [our town] ever gets into Vanderbilt. So he’s like a super star! Obviously if you need any sort of testimonial or any sort of references, we don’t have enough nice things to say about you and what you did for both of our kids."

 Parent of High school Senior, Vanderbilt University [Early Decision] College Class of 2024

"Betsy - thanx so much for the good work you have done with [my son] and all our boys - you are gifted at what you do and [my wife] and I are thankful you've been part of this journey with us. "

Parent of College Student, Class of 2020

"I just wanted to let you know I got into UVA ED!!!!! Thank you so much for all of your help and advice. I have improved my writing skills so much by working with you. I really appreciate it. I am so excited!!!"... "You helped build her confidence and her writing skills. We saw her grow so much when she was working with you."

High School Senior and Parent,  University of Virginia [ED] Class of 2025


"Hi Betsy, From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I always wanted this to be the outcome and it would not have been made possible without your help. I genuinely appreciate and value everything you added to this process." " Hi Betsy!!!! We are just taking in this special moment but I wanted to extend my deep gratitude to you right away. Thank you so much for all of your help, guidance, support and direction during the college process!! We are over the moon thrilled with [my son's] acceptance to the University of Pennsylvania and know that he was so incredibly lucky to have your experience and advice!!!"

International High School Senior, University of Pennsylvania  Class of 2024

Parent of International High School Senior, University of Pennsylvania Class of 2024

"Betsy provided invaluable support to our family during our daughter's college search and application process. She helped develop her list of reach, target and safety schools. She worked closely with her to edit myriad application materials. Ultimately, our daughter gained admission to her ED school and we couldn't have been happier."

Parent of High School Senior, Duke University [Early Decision] Class of 2023

"I have been reading [my daughter's] essays when completed and I really love how you helped her think about how to best showcase herself. Also I love the organization. It’s fantastic! Thank you!! "

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2026

"I wanted to take a quick moment to reach out and offer my congratulations to your offer of admission...As your regional dean, it was an honor and pleasure to review your application materials and share your story with my colleagues...(Also...super effort on your essay! A most enjoyable and informative read into your mind and preparation and approach to auditions. THANK YOU!)"

College Admissions Dean in Letter to Woolf College Consulting Student, Class of 2024


“I was reflecting on [my third son], who just finished his first day back at UChicago. I doubt I have ever seen him happier! [My husband] and I are so pleased that he ended up in the perfect place for him! We are thrilled that you “got” [him], and suggested he look at Chicago. He is working hard and pulled off 3 As and a B+ his first quarter. He loved his philosophy course as much as his physics and math. He loves his house, even though it wasn’t his first choice! [My second son] too is really enjoying Emory… [My first born son] is working at a small pharmaceutical company, coordinating their marketing. I think he hopes to go back for an MBA in a couple of years, but is having fun for the time being! Wishing all the very best for a healthy 2017, and thank you again for helping [my third son] (and the others) along the journey!”

Parent of McGill University Grad, Class of 2016; Emory University Student, Class of 2019; University of Chicago Student, Class of 2020

"Hi Betsy. Thank you for helping me get into UPenn. You really changed my life and I will be forever grateful."

Graduate, University of Pennsylvania, Class of 2019

"You've been great! Very methodical. My son is very motivated. He is fond of you and making great progress. We are all feeling calm. You really are good at what you do."

Parent of International High School Student, Grade 12, Class of 2024

"Good morning Betsy - Just a quick thank you for all that you have done with [my son]. He came home yesterday after a guidance session and he remarked that he was well ahead of the game with the application process compared to others and he was grateful to you, and for [my husband] and I for getting you on board."

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2025


"I got into Caltech and MIT today! I will be committing to MIT. Thank you so much for all your help in this process. It was truly invaluable."

High School Senior,  MIT  [Early Action] Class of 2024

"[Our daughter]  just called elated and told me how productive your meeting was today.  She said you were incredibly helpful and gave her great tips and edits but also allowed her to maintain her voice….Really can't express how appreciative we are."

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2022

"I just wanted to let you know that as of yesterday, I am bound to the University of Chicago. Thank you for all of your help this year, it truly means the world."

High School Senior, University of Chicago [Early Decision] Class of 2023

"You’ve been a big help. I am not a good writer, and I think I have improved as a writer with you. You made me practice a lot in my writing."

High School Senior, College Class of 2026

“Having hired you is one of the best decisions we have ever made. You have kept him focused. You were a sounding board. Even he will say you get the credit.” “Echoing [my husband’s] thoughts with appreciation. I hope [our son] is the poster child for how this is supposed to work for the independent and responsible child. We are delighted we engaged you to help our son as this has reduced our stress (and his) enormously!!”

Parents of High School Senior, Colgate University [Early Decision] Class of 2021

"She is really loving the experience and process of college applications although it’s a lot of work!  Thanks for guiding her and pushing her to her full potential! Couldn’t have done it without you!"

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2025


“I found Michigan to give me more opportunities to study everything, not only journalism. I also loved the energy and the people, and I know it’s the best place for me!! Thank you so much for all of your help! I appreciate everything you have done for me and don’t know whether I could have done it without you. Thanks again, you were THE BEST."

High School Senior, University of Michigan Class of 2021

"Hi Betsy, I hope all is well with you! I’m just emailing to let you know that I’ll be attending Cornell starting this Fall... Thank you for all the time, effort, and feedback you put into my supplements, whether it was while you were on a bus in England or days before the deadline back home."

College Student, Transfer to Cornell University

"Thanks Betsy. I think having your guidance has been reassuring for [my son]. I know that I'm reassured!"

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2026


"Betsy, I want to thank you for your professional help and guidance. [My son's] essays came out really well and you were regularly available to him to assist. I am very pleased with how you worked and [my son] clearly respected your advice."

Parent of High School Senior, Georgetown University [Early Action] Class of 2022

"As you know, [our daughter] was accepted to Wash U last night.  She (and we) are beyond thrilled.  Thank you so much for all of your help and guidance throughout this process.  I really can't express enough our gratitude. Having you really made this process so much better for all of us!!"

Parent of High School Senior, Washington University in St. Louis Class of 2022

“Thank you again for working with our three kids. Each one got into his/her first choice school and I don’t believe that’s luck or a coincidence – they had the benefit of your good counsel!”

Parent of High School Senior, UCLA Class of 2021, College Junior Cornell University Class of 2018, and College Graduate Carleton College Class of 2015

"We are so grateful for your help and the way you brought out his voice - how unusual his essays were. We will see you with our next child."

Parent of High School Senior, Emory University (EDI) College Class of 2025


"I just visited her there. She is so happy and has many friends. We are so grateful for [your] finding this school for her."

Parent of College Freshman, College of Charleston Class of 2024


"You showed my child how to show people who he is."

Parent of High School  Senior, College Class of 2023

"You’ve been really helpful over the past school year, helping us navigate the beginning of the college process with him. We greatly appreciate your time and efforts and knowledge...thank you for everything you did to help [our son]. It was a pleasure working with you and we appreciated your expertise!

Parent of High School Senior,  College Class  of 2029

"Thank you for all your help with [our older daugher] and now [the younger].  Your prudent guidance has really helped set them up for the next level."

Parent of College Freshman and High School Senior,  College Classes of 2028, 2029

“I just wanted to let you know that [my daughter] is totally over-the-moon about Vanderbilt…warm weather, division 1 sports, and great school…it’s the complete package in her mind. Yesterday I was so overwhelmed with the news that I did not get a chance to properly thank you. Over the last few weeks [my daughter] has shared with me that she did not think she could have made it through the process without you. She said that her essays from start to finish were completely different and obviously a million times better. [My daughter] is a fairly organized and disciplined person but she also felt that she would not have been able to project plan the multiple essays, deadlines, requirements, etc. without you. As for me, you truly provided me with an education from start to finish. I can remember our early conversations about SAT vs ACT! I have learned so much and really appreciate your patience and guidance throughout the process. You also made the application process so easy for me and as stress free as it could possibly be. I basically just read her final essays as the objective “proof reader” because I had so much trust in your knowledge and experience. Thank you so much.”

Parent of High School Senior, Vanderbilt University [Early Decision] Class of 2016

"I just read the supplements and I was blown away! They were so great. Thank you. These essays really came out beautifully."

Parent of High School Senior,  Northeastern University Class of 2025


“My daughter got into the car one day after working with you, and said, ‘I would have finished my personal essay sooner if I hadn’t worked with Betsy, but it would have been crap’…Thank you so much for all of the great help you gave her, because I don’t think she could have done it without you.”

Parent of High School Senior, M.I.T. [Early Action] Class of 2013

"I am so grateful for you putting her on track and willing to talk to me so that I can put my anxieties to rest."

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2025

"A lot of the structure you have given him has really, really helped."

Parent of High School Senior, Class of 2027

“Does everyone have such a good time working with you?”

High School Senior, College Class of 2021

“I wanted to thank you for everything. I was very caught up in the excitement of this weekend and forgot to email you, but my mom told me that she told you the news about Duke. It is impossible for me to ignore how big of a role you played in this with helping me through the entire process. I can’t put into words how much I appreciate you[r] helping me achieve what has been a lifelong dream. Thanks again.”

High school senior, Duke University [Early Decision] Class of 2019

“I just wanted to say thank you for a very nice and productive meeting on Thursday. We all had fun with you and [my daughter] adores you.”

Parent of high school junior, College Class of 2022

“I meant to email you today to say THANK YOU so very much for all your hard work with [my daughter] to get her to this incredible first choice place!! Her application was excellent top to bottom and your input was tremendously important. She was sobbing in shear and utter happiness! I am very happy to continue to refer you to all my friends and clients.”

Parent of High School Senior, Tulane University [Single Choice Early Action] Class of 2020

"Thank you so much, Betsy. Without you, I probably would not have gotten in. "

College Student, Transfer to NYU, Class of 2021

“By the way, [my daughter] continues to sing your praises. She was reflecting the other day how you really helped her think through the college choices. I thank you for all [o]f your sage advice!”

Parent of College Sophomore, University of Southern California Class of 2017

“I am so grateful to you for your hand-holding and support with [my son], not to mention your experience and professionalism. I look forward to meeting with you in the new year with [my second son].”

Parent of High School Senior, Columbia University [Early Decision] Class of 2020

“My kids made it to college, and I can now let other parents of seniors know that ‘things do work out, and their children will go to college.’ Though, I can’t imagine enduring the process without you. Thank you. Certainly,[my daughter] would never have discovered Dickinson. What a great match for her. [My son’s] acceptance to Binghamton was a gift for all. He is motivated and making efforts to connect with the right people. You and I knew that he would step up to the plate. Above all, they are happy.”

Parent of College Freshmen, Dickinson College and Binghamton University Class of 2018

“Betsy, I read [my son’s] personal essay and I think it is wonderful…Thank you for working hard with him and for getting the essay into such great shape. And for injecting some sanity and civility between me and my son in this very stressful phase…”

Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2020

"You are the best, which I tell every parent I meet with a similar situation."

-Parent of High School Senior, College Class of 2022

“[My husband] and I just wanted to say thank you for all your efforts and assistance to [our son] and of course to us as well. So happy about Binghamton, as well, and just waiting until he hears from the others and will make a final decision once he knows, so we will keep in touch and let you know how things progress, but we just appreciate all your efforts and wanted you to know that. If we don’t talk to you before New Year’s, happy and healthy.

Parent of High School Senior, accepted to Binghamton University [Early Action] Class of 2021

“As [we] look back over the past milestones of 2016, we wanted to thank you for the diligent persistence with which you took on our special needs pushing, inspiring and uplifting each of us on the path to [our daughter’s] Application Process. Your masterful help with [her] essays and the ways you have stayed on top and ahead of the deadlines has been so professional. We wish you a fantastic 2017 with continued fulfillment from all the families and young people you so caringly guide to the finish line which is of course their starting gate!”

Parent of international student, College Class of 2021

“You really helped get [my son] on track and guide him and teach him responsibility.”

Parent of High School Senior, University of Michigan [Early Action] Class of 2020

“Thanks so much for all of your help. It’s a perfect fit and he is so excited.” “I second that – you have been amazing throughout this process. A voice of calm and reason – so very appreciated.”

Parents of High School Senior, Bucknell University [Early Decision] Class of 2019

“My son found working with you to be very helpful, especially on the supplemental essays. He said that you were able to come up with an approach to the supplemental essays that he never would have thought of, and as it turned out, he got into all the schools to which he applied.”

Parent of High School Senior, University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Class of 2018

“Firstly, you are the best college advisor and ‘sharp shooter,’ going above & beyond, pushing, uplifting, helping [our daughter] and us parents Ride the Wave towards Applying and Acceptance…for September 2017. Thank You, Thank You…Please remember that we continue to encourage your pro active support and have so much gratitude for your big hearted professionalism.”

Parent of International High School Senior, NYIT Class of 2021

“We and he are absolutely thrilled to learn the news last night from U Chicago…Very soon after the New Year, I’d like to add [his] brother to your client roster.”

Parent of High School Senior, University of Chicago [Early Action] Class of 2017

“My husband emailed the guidance counselor re ED agreement — but he has never once answered an email we sent him. This is why we hired you, we knew there’d be no support whatsoever for the college application process, so thank goodness you’re there.”

Parent of High School Senior applying for admission to Class of 2019

“I can’t even begin to thank you. We’re just thrilled. I can’t believe we’re done. I must tell you how lucky and fortunate we feel that we were under your guidance. I will refer you to everyone – the best decision we ever made! Just being out of the equation; working with different personalities. I will be in touch with you again.”

Parent of High School Seniors, University of Rochester [Early Decision], Syracuse University [Early Decision – Whitman School of Management] Class of 2020

“By senior year, [Betsy] is contacting [students] weekly to remind them about deadlines, to brainstorm ideas for college essays and to review their applications. She prepare[s] them for their interviews by staging mock sessions.”

New York Times, Education Life, January 6, 2008

“I would like to express my appreciation for all the help you have given me in this process…You have made essay writing much easier and cutting down words a breeze. I will always value your advice and expertise, and I welcome the voice in the back of my head asking what Betsy would say.”

International Student, McGill University Class of 2017

“Thanks, Betsy, for everything. We have really enjoyed working with you. Your help and support has been beyond valuable. And of course we are thrilled with the outcome. I have no more children of my own to send your way, but will continue to sing your praises to future …. graduates.

Parent of High School Senior, Northwestern University [Early Decision] Class of 2017

“You were wonderfully responsive and supportive, and kept her organized. I will sing your praises throughout the land.”

Parent of High School Senior, Brown University [Early Decision] Class of 2016

“Words cannot explain how much you helped me grow and gave me the ability to fulfill my dreams. You not only eased the college admission process for me, but you also taught me the vital skills one needs to be a responsible college student. You brought out the best in me.”

High School Senior, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University Class of 2014

“Many thanks again for all your help – am impressed and appreciative of your significant effort to, as you say, Stand Out. Will be in touch re my next child in due course.”

Parent of High School Senior, Swarthmore College [Early Decision] Class of 2013

“She loves you. She says to her friends, ‘Avoid the stress with your parents. I have someone for you – Betsy Woolf.’ What a difference it makes. I didn’t have to put pressure on her.”

Parent of high school senior, University of Rochester [Early Decision] Class of 2015

“I just wanted to say thank you from [my husband] and me. You found Macalester for [our daughter] and she really feels that it’s right and is really excited about it and we’re very excited for her. So I just want to let you know that we appreciate all that you did and just want to say thanks.”

Parent of High School Senior, Macalester College Class of 2016

“I wanted to thank you for all of your help in guiding [my son] over these last four years. You made the process of getting into college a positive experience and one that was surprisingly not overwhelming. Regardless of where [my son] is accepted, he knows that he was able to put his best foot forward with your help and he will certainly have excellent and appropriate choices…I am grateful that you were there to keep [my son] on track and relieve me of that duty!”

Parent of High School Senior, Santa Clara University [Early Decision] Class of 2018

“You have awesome knowledge about everything, especially about the essays.”

High School Senior, Wake Forest University Class of 2018

“We couldn’t have done it without you, and I can’t thank you enough. We’ll see you with the next one!”

- Parent of High School Senior, Wesleyan University [Early Decision] Class of 2014

“The essays are amazing. I saw the admission staff quoted how they can tell when a student spent serious time on the essays. The time you spent with her and all the suggestions and editing really was key to her admission.”

Parent of High school Senior accepted to the University of Chicago [Early Action] Class of 2019

“Many thanks again. If you ever need us to vouch for you, please use us!!! We are very happy clients.”

Parent of High School Seniors, Brandeis University [Early Decision] Class of 2013 and School of Visual Arts Class of 2013

“I just wanted to call you to let you know that I did get into Duke. I am really excited and I just really wanted to thank you for all your help, for all you’ve done for me, always being available.”

International Student, Duke University [Early Decision] Class of 2016

“Thank you so much for all the help, support, and encouragement you gave me during this process. I literally could not have done it without you and everything you did for me. Once again, thank you, you are a life saver!”

High School Senior, University of Southern California Class of 2017

“Thank you for making my college application process a simpler and easier effort. I don’t know how I would have done it without your guidance.”

High School Senior, Muhlenberg College [Early Decision] Class of 2015

“Anyway I just wanted to thank you so much for all of your help. Without your help I do not know how far I would have gotten in the college process. Throughout the whole year you have been so helpful with everything from my essays to my resume to all the deadlines. I just wanted to personally extend my gratitude to you and I will be sure to keep you posted on how my college experience is going. Thanks again.”

High School Senior, Indiana University Class of 2014

“…with much gratitude, Betsy, for your guidance and hard work in aiding our daughter through the ‘college adventure’ of choosing, applying, interviewing… You did so well by her. She told me the other day that for the first time in her life, she feels smart. We never would have found St. Joe’s without you. She just loves it.”

Parent of College Freshman [awarded athletic scholarship], St. Joseph’s University Class of 2013

“Great job of getting my friend’s son into Pitzer. Boy did you help this family. Fabulous job, Betsy. It was great. They love you.”

Colleague and Friend of Student, Pitzer College [Early Decision] Class of 2015

“College is going great. I absolutely love Binghamton University and definitely made the right decision. I’d like to thank you again for helping me achieve my goals and getting to where I am right now. ”

Freshman, Binghamton University Class of 2012

“I told my friend you had helped my son focus his choices. I told her how his best friend, who had a higher GPA and SAT scores, got waitlisted most places he applied, in contrast to my son who got into all but one of the schools he applied to.”

Parent of Northeastern University Student (University Honors Program) Class of 2011

“You made the process so much easier and less angst-ridden. If only I had been so smart with my first and second children!! I now wonder why I didn’t hire a college counselor for my other kids. The process was so difficult; not the work per se, but the interactions. So much nagging and arguing… My daughter too enjoyed working with you. You were, as always, helpful and willing to take the time to talk through her decision-making process. ”

Parent of High School Senior, Hobart & William Smith Colleges Class of 2012

“After you finished working with my son on his personal essay, he showed it to his English teacher. She’s the toughest teacher in the school, and she loved it. She said she could tell that it was his voice.”

Parent of High School Senior, Bentley University Class of 2013

“I just really wanted to say thank you for working with the kids and what you’ve done working with them. I think it was a terrific benefit for them working with you…..I just wanted to let you know [my wife] and I really appreciate the work you did with them, both getting them to where they wanted to be and ultimately to the schools we think are right for them. They are both having a great time and after two weeks doing well.”

Parent of College Freshmen, Ithaca College (BFA) and University of Miami Class of 2017

“Thank you so much for all your wisdom and expertise throughout this complex application process! I deeply appreciate your continual support and balanced perspective. You are the best! Thank you for always being there for my daughter – and for me! Through your knowledge and guidance you helped us negotiate a milestone transition with sensitivity and focus.”

Parent of 2010-2011 High School Senior

“I was very pleased with the level of service you applied to[my daughter]. I think your engagement with her was very good and very hands on. I read the essays and think they were quality essays…I like your whole modus operandi, your mails, you are an effective communicator, a lot of appointments and phone calls. You made a lot of time available for her, as a parent I was very satistifed and I would not hesitate to endorse you.”

Parent of High School Senior, Hamilton College Class of 2017

“I loved the idea for [my daughter’s] personal essay. It really is in her voice.”

Parent of High School Senior, George Washington University [ED – recruited athlete] Class of 2016

“Betsy, you’ve been amazing. I have two more [children] to go. Thank you. [My son] is 10 for 10. A success story.”

Parent of High School Senior, University of Delaware Class of 2016

“I want to thank you for all of your help the past year. My only regret is not meeting with someone like you before I began high school. I have become a greater interviewee and more importantly, a better writer. Ever since I started working with you, my marks on essays have skyrocketed and my time spent writing them has gone down significantly.”

International Student, McGill University Class of 2017

“It’s been quite awhile since we’ve been in touch, and I just wanted to thank you for everything you did to help [our son] through this process and meet with such incredible success!! Did he tell you that he found out he got into Wisconsin last night? I am so very proud of him and am so appreciative of all your hard work and support getting him (and us) through the application process. I guess the hard part now is that he has to make a decision as to which school he really wants to go to….Anyway, I really just wanted to touch base with you and tell you how very happy [my husband] and I have been with your services, and how delighted we are for [our son].”

Parent of 2011-2012 High School Senior