This past weekend, I attended a family wedding. Today, I attended a funeral of the grandmother of the groom, a woman in her late 80s, and then came home to find a message in my voicemail that my […]
I’ve been giving this issue a lot of thought lately, especially in light of the recent decision by the College Board to ease its process for obtaining accommodations. My fear – Are we opening up the system to […]
Here’s a thought for students who have anxiety over taking the SATs, ACTs and SAT subject tests: Breathing! The thought comes from reading the Science section of the New York Times this morning. In an article entitled, Breath. […]
I’m all for making applying to colleges easier for students, who have a lot on their plates in the fall of senior year. School work, of course, and extracurricular activities, coupled with applications and college visits in the […]
Not long ago, I was at a very small gathering of a handful of guidance counselors and three college reps, including the Dean of Admissions, and we got to talking about high school students and extracurricular activities. I […]
I just finished reading an article in the Wall Street Journal by Roger Kimball. Yes, it was in yesterday’s Journal (August 8), so I am a little behind. But what he says certainly is up to date (although […]