College Admissions

February 17, 2020
keep up-to-date on college admission policies

More about Nimbleness

During the fall, I posted about being nimble as colleges change policies. That post was about Cornell and Georgetown, but since then, two of the schools mentioned in that post have changed their policies, as well. Cal Tech removed […]
October 22, 2019

Inside the Admissions Office, Number 12

It was another great night for Inside the Admissions Office at the Mid-Westchester JCC in Scarsdale Monday night. Thank you to Lisa Itzkowitz, my partner in organizing the event, and to the college deans who participated, representing Binghamton […]
October 1, 2019

College News You Need to Know Right Now!

Welcome to the Wild, Wild West. At least that’s what some people are calling the effect of the change in the bylaws of NACAC, the National Association for College Admission Counseling. Under pressure from an investigation by the […]
September 27, 2019
admission policies at Cornell and Georgetown

How Cornell and Georgetown Have Just Changed Their Admissions Policies

One never knows when a college will change a procedure or its admissions requirements. That’s why I have to be nimble and aware of what’s happening in college admissions, because things do change, even in the middle of […]
August 1, 2019

On the Road with Betsy Woolf – Loyola Marymount University

Just nine minutes from Los Angeles International Airport, Loyola Marymount University (LMU) seems worlds away. Sitting on a high hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the upscale residential community of Playa Vista in the heart of LA’s Silicon […]
May 5, 2019
be the best you can be

It’s Not About How We Rank Against Others; The Goal Is To Do Your Best

Kwame Anthony-Applah, who teaches philosophy at NYU, penned this article in “The Ethicist” column of The New York Times Magazine, May 5, 2019, in response to a high school senior’s distress over her many college denials. It’s long […]
April 18, 2019
British Universities

Back to Britain – Highlights of the University Tour

Back again in England over the winter, but this time in the north country, courtesy of the British Council. What most universities in the North of England emphasize, aside from academics, are the affordability of its cities and […]
April 5, 2019
Mount Holyoke College

On the Road with Betsy Woolf – Mount Holyoke College

If I had to name three adjectives to describe Mount Holyoke College, I would say homey, personable and confident. When I look back on my notes from the first time I was on campus, I also would add […]
March 15, 2019
character in college admissions

Character in College Admissions

What a week of revelations about college admissions! Today’s Inside Higher Education features an article about a committee of which I am proud to be a member, the Character Collaborative, whose work is even more timely and important […]
November 15, 2018

Give Thanks for Our Wonderful Children

If I had one word to tell parents of high school students applying to college, it’s perspective. Your students are capable, but please remember that they are mostly 17-year-olds. Their responses to doing the work necessary to apply, […]